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Bay Yong Khiong

Web Designer, Programmer


Teachable Machine

A project about teaching your model to differentiate Sneakers or Slippers.

Web App used:

Teachable Machine

Teachable Machine is a web application that teaches you about the fundamentals of AI Machine Learning. It is quite an interesting web application as it is able to create a model (approximately 5mb only) that can recognize images and tell you if the image is a Sneaker or a Slipper. It has parameters like epoch, batch size, learning rate.

Epoch: One epoch means that each and every sample in the training dataset has been fed through the training model at least once. If your epochs are set to 50, for example, it means that the model you are training will work through the entire training dataset 50 times. Generally the larger the number, the better your model will learn to predict the data.

A batch is a set of samples used in one iteration of training. For example, let's say that you have 80 images and you choose a batch size of 16. This means the data will be split into 80 / 16 = 5 batches. Once all 5 batches have been fed through the model, exactly one epoch will be complete.

Through this activity, I learn that AI uses something call Unsupervised Learning.  The training data are clustered together as the model tries to search for a pattern.



Click here to download the model

Model may not be able to differentiate whether it's a sneaker or slipper correctly due to insufficient training or over-fitting.

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