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Bay Yong Khiong

Web Designer, Programmer


Hotel List

Hotel List is a school project where I am tasked with designing a website with PHP language. It has thumbnails, photos, description, comment section and allows you to add or remove or edit if you're a site admin.

Software used:
My thought process:

Netbeans IDE 8.2

Honestly, I was wondering why we need to learn this... If you use a CDN like wordpress. You can easily create a hotel page to showcase all reviews and hotel details, there is no need to code. But I guess it's good for learning what goes behind the back-end.

First of all, I will have to find images for each data entry, as the school did not provide them, after that, I have to retrieve the variables from myPHPAdmin which are 'picture', 'hotelAddress', 'hotelName', then, I can use a While loop / For Loop to print out each row variable using 'echo' with while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)). $result is mysqli_query($conn, $sql), $conn and $sql are basically variables for Creating connection with the php server and checking connection with the server.

Those are just the logic for the home page(index.php), the hotelList also prompts user to login with their username and password, create an account, display a greeting message once they have login. And more.



Color Scheme

Black and White

Principle of Design

Emphasis, Contrast

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